Aveta Marketing

Assisted Living Creative Social Media Tips
Saturday, January 22nd 2022, 4:00 AM

9 Creative Ideas for Senior Housing Social Media Marketing

Arlington, United States - January 21, 2022 / Aveta Marketing /

Aveta Marketing on Social Media Tips for Senior Housing

If you work in an assisted living center, social media can be critical if you want to spread awareness for your group. Many aren’t aware of the power social media can have. However, it can be tricky to start. What can you do with social media to help your brand grow creatively?

Read on to learn about nine different creative strategies you can utilize for your assisted living social media. Let’s dive right in so you can understand how you can take advantage of the features the internet has that can benefit your assisted living location, the residents, and people looking for a place to call home.

Educate Residents and Interested Residents

Though many aren’t aware of it, social media use is rising for seniors. One of the best things you can do with social media for assisted living is educating current seniors living in the residence. You can post daily events, inform residents about the space, and even introduce residents and workers right on the page for all to see.

To educate, you can also do the following:

  • Celebrate occasions: You can post and celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and other critical moments of your residents’ lives.
  • Post news: You can post news updates that happen inside your space.
  • Get opinions: You can work with the public forum and get opinions on what to add or take away from the social media ventures.

These will benefit the seniors living inside your assisted living space tremendously.

Not only will this information educate current residents, but it will also educate people who are on the fence about moving into the space. The more they know about the location, the more comfortable they will feel making the move. It’s a great place to start, and you can be as creative as you want.

Display Reviews and Testimonials

Reviews and testimonials are the first things many people examine when deciding if a location is the best choice for their life. If you have some reviews you want to brag about, share them on your social media! Select fonts and colors that go with your brand and lay them out so potential residents can see what other people think of the space you’re offering.

Some of the best places to post reviews and testimonials include:

  • Instagram: You can post reviews or put them on your story for people to click through whenever they want.
  • Twitter: Here, you can be quick and straight to the point with your reviews.
  • YouTube: You can post videos that detail your reviews or testimonials. You can even post live testimonials if someone wants to post one.

These will benefit the seniors living inside your assisted living space tremendously, bringing new people to fill the area.

Reviews and testimonials can come in many ways. You can have someone read them out loud on a video, post them on a beautiful picture background, or put them on a slideshow to upload on a platform of your choosing. There are so many ways to show the world what people are saying about you!

Get Your Platform Out There

Make the most out of the social media brand you’re creating. Most people stick with Pinterest, Instagram, or Facebook as their methods of brand representation. However, there are many other places you can repost your information to get the word out to as many people as possible. Ensure you explore your options!

Some of the other places you can share your assisted living content include:

  • Twitter: Twitter is a space for fun and games! You can show the fun-loving side of your brand here, making jokes and ensuring people know what you stand for online. 
  • Pinterest: Pinterest is a place people visit to look at aesthetic colors and images. You can post links to articles here with a beautiful picture to grace the front.
  • YouTube: YouTube is a video platform that allows you to post content in longer forms. If you have longer educational videos about your space, post them here.

People are sure to see you if you use these along with the traditional three platforms.

It can be tricky to manage all the platforms out there that you can post on, but it’s worth it. The more creative you are with the places you post, the more interactions you’ll get with your content. Be creative with the platform you use! Be colorful on Pinterest, funny on Twitter, and educational on YouTube for the best results.

Post Exciting Events

One of the best ways to teach people about your space is to post the exciting events the residents experience every day. Whether it’s something as small as a delicious meal or something as grand as a birthday, a creative way to use social media is to post about this event on social media for all to see.

Some examples of exciting events you can post include:

  • Birthdays: You can show the birthdays of your residents and display the fun celebration you have for the day.
  • Classes: If you have events like painting or sculpting classes, you can show these on your page.
  • Workouts: You can show exciting workouts that the residents take on as exercise throughout the day.

Both residents and family members will love seeing documentation of these scenes online.

Exciting events are something everyone wants to be a part of every day! If people see how much fun your residents are having, they’ll want to join in on the fun. You can even give your residents a chance to work with social media during these exciting events. Take advantage of the joy to spread it to others!

Try Video Marketing

Video marketing is a fun way to teach people about the space you work in and help them see the fun day-to-day lives of residences! You can tell people the services you offer, inform them what your living area looks like, and interview residents to get their take on where they live. Video marketing can be interactive and enticing to look at for people.

Here are a few things you can do with video marketing:

  • Create Q & A sessions: You can create question and answer sessions, helping family members and potential residents become more comfortable with what they’re getting.
  • Form updates: You can update your followers on new things that happen inside the assisted living space.
  • Interview: You can post an interview series that talks with residents and workers inside the space.

Your reputation will grow the more creative you get with video marketing strategies.

It’s up to you to be creative with your video marketing. You can make a weekly series, try bold layouts, and switch hosts from time to time. You can even make a weekly spotlight for different people who live in the assisted living space, letting them have fun with the platform for a little while.

Interact with the Audience in Interesting Ways

Audience interaction is a vital part of social media. People respond better to platforms that speak to their followers rather than leaving them alone. If you want to make your assisted living platform better, you should find ways to communicate with your audience in new ways.

To successfully interact with the audience, you could:

  • Post polls: You can post polls to get ideas about what residents and family members like, and what they’re not so fond of on your page.
  • Answer comments as much as possible: Respond to questions audiences leave in comments as much as possible to keep them coming back.
  • Do live videos: Try live videos and answer questions individuals might have in real-time for the best results.

These will allow customer reaction on a level that will help your brand stand out among others.

Interacting with the audience will make your brand feel more human. It will help people feel more comfortable and define you as a brand that knows what it’s doing. The more creative you are with the content you display, the more people will keep coming back for more. Use fun colors, a bold personality, and exciting polls for the best interactions with people.

Spread Awareness for Your Brand

Another thing you can do with social media is spread awareness for the brand you’re creating. Many people are looking for an excellent assisted living location to suit their needs. By spreading awareness, you can let them know there’s something close ready and willing to take them in.

To spread awareness for your brand, you can:

  • Show what you do: Show what your company is made of, what you do, and what people can expect when they come to you.
  • Create a personality: Form a personality that people can depend on if they come to visit you.
  • Host giveaways: Host giveaways and contests to bring people back to your page.

These will help the word get out about your brand. 

Spreading awareness for your brand is a creative way to show who you are, bringing in new residents and showing family members what you stand for as a community. Be creative with your giveaway selections. Show just what you can do, putting your best foot forward under all conditions.

Keep Loved Ones Updated

Many residents in an assisted living community have loved ones who care about them very much. Not all of these family members can visit. Some live far away, and others might have busy schedules that prevent them from coming as often as they want. A creative way to use social media is to keep loved ones updated on what’s going on.

To keep loved ones updated, you can:

  • Showing happy faces: You can display the joyous faces of residents, whether during an exciting time or at a meal.
  • Revealing fun times: You can show videos, pictures, and results from fun events you hosted in your community.
  • Providing connection opportunities: You can provide opportunities for residents to connect with family members, whether through comments or video communication.

Both residents and the families of residents will love these strategies.

Moving into an assisted living community can be a difficult transition. Keeping loved ones updated will make your social media platform a safe place everyone can go, no matter what site you use to spread your information.

Show the Human Side 

Social media might look like it’s human, but it’s easy to tell that technology can take over the humanity of the platform in an instant. One of the most creative things you can do with social media for assisted living is to display the human side of your posts. This action will make residents happy, make newcomers excited, and make families excited to open social media.

To show the human side of your endeavor, you can:

  • Perform interviews: You can perform interviews with residents and employees in the space, allowing them to see who resides in the space.
  • Speak to the camera: You can speak to the camera yourself, offering a personal side to your daily announcements.
  • Make your content creative: You can work to make your content creative, adding stickers and flashy colors to make your platform enticing to viewers.

These actions will help your platform feel there’s a person behind the screen, rather than just a computer.

Working with social media for assisted living is an important job, and it’s especially vital to remind people that you are a place that cares. Shape your social media into a platform that feels comfortable to work with for the average individual. Be a responsive individual who makes residents, family, and potential residents happy every time they visit your page.

Working with social media can be a challenging endeavor. There are actions you can take to make your platform the best. It’s vital to have control over the image you present.

We hope these ideas have helped you! It can be tough to find ideas for social media, but we think these are all excellent places to start. Soon, you can find your voice and decide what makes your assisted living social media platform yours.

About Aveta Marketing

Senior Living Centers are struggling to fill their homes. When the best Sr. Living Centers can't find guests... that means they aren't thriving and our Seniors aren't receiving the best care available to them. Aveta Marketing gives the microphone to the good guys. Through digital marketing, we help Sr. Living Centers increase their guest occupancy so that they can thrive and seniors get the best care.

When Senior Living Centers thrive, Seniors get better care.

Aveta Marketing is led by Mitch Alverson. Mitch is a long-time digital marketer and is a StoryBrand Certified Guide and Business Made Simple Certified Coach. Aveta Marketing is based in Arlington, Texas, and is a member of the Texas Assisted Living Association. 

Contact Information:

Aveta Marketing

4275 Little Rd Suite 205-10
Arlington, TX 76016
United States

Mitch Alverson
(817) 904-5080

Original Source: https://avetamarketing.com/9-creative-ideas-for-assisted-living-center-social-media/


We only focus on the Senior Housing space and we only work with one facility in one area.


Mitch Alverson
Aveta Marketing

4275 Little Rd Suite 205-10
Arlington, TX, 76016, United States

E-Mail mitch@avetamarketing.com

Phone (817) 904-5080


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